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Myth Adventures is the graphic adaptation of Robert Asprin's comedic novel: Another Fine Myth. It chronicles the adventures of Skeeve, a hapless apprentice magician, and his demonic teacher, Aahz, who has been stripped of his powers, as they battle with an insane wizard who is determined to drain the world of magic. Long out of print, this fantasy classic is fondly remembered by and greatly sought after by a wide audience of comics fans, gamers, and fantasy readers. It was also the first professional comics work by both Phil Foglio, and inker Tim Sale.
New MythAdventures fantasy novels are still being published! For more information, you can visit the official web site of the series, or check the MythAdventures Wikipedia entry, which is quite exhaustive.
If you want to read it all at once, MythAdventures can be had from your local book or comic store or We also have some Myth-related merchandise available at our Studio Foglio Online Company Store.
Thank you for visiting us. We hope you enjoy the story!
MythAdventures is ©2022 Myth Management Inc.
Cover & Illustrations ©2022 Phil Foglio & Studio Foglio LLC